Female Hyundai executive resigns amid #MeToo movement
Auto April 3, 2018 -
Ford 'hypothetically' could make EVs in Germany after 2023, exec says
Auto April 3, 2018 -
Waymo CEO says self-driving tech not to blame in deadly Tesla crash
Auto April 3, 2018 -
Teslas don't have black boxes, making U.S. crash probes harder
Auto April 3, 2018 -
Tesla, carrying $10 billion in debt, must recharge finances to make Model 3 go
Auto April 3, 2018 -
Musk sleeps at factory while world waits for Tesla Model 3 numbers
Auto April 3, 2018 -
GM to stop reporting U.S. sales monthly, switches to quarterly release
Auto April 3, 2018 -
Mulvaney gives Congress advice on stripping away his CFPB powers
Auto April 2, 2018 -
NLRB files amended complaint against Tesla, schedules hearing
Auto April 2, 2018 -
EPA rejects fuel efficiency standards for automobiles
Auto April 2, 2018 -
Supreme Court rules service advisers not entitled to overtime pay
Auto April 2, 2018